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16M Clips, 2M channels, Categories and Teams arrive on KlipTok

Written by: Jeff Fritz

Published: 8/24/2022 11:30:58

We hit two large data milestones this month, 16 million clips indexed and more than 2 million channels are now known by KlipTok. It's a huge step in the growth of the application, and we want to thank all of our supporters for helping spread the word about KlipTok.

After a few weeks of work, we're delivering two heavily requests sets of pages and content to KlipTok: Categories and Teams.

Category Pages

It's been requested for some time that we should have pages dedicated to the various categories on Twitch. This helps make discovering new content in those categories MUCH easier as you now have one place to browse and see the latest happenings on Twitch.

Category Page on KlipTok for Fortnite

There are several ways to reach the category pages:

  • You can click the category name that is linked next to a clip that is presented

Category Link on a clip from Ninja

  • You can search for the category in the top bar and choose the item from the drop down list

Category presented as autocomplete results

  • You can search KlipTok and find the category in the search page

Categories in Search Results

Teams Pages

We are also proud to announce the availability of Stream Team pages on KlipTok! Now you can find your favorite teams and check out their collaborations in one place.

PH16 Stream Team page

Not only can you flip through their recent clips, you can also activate one of two new smart playlists for teams:

  1. Most Viewed Clips - a playlist that shows the top 100 clips from the duration currently selected on screen
  2. Team Highlights - a playlist that shows the top 100 clips from the team over the last 2 months, with a limit of 3 clips per streamer. This allows more of the teammates content to appear on screen

We've carried over the description for a team from the Team's page on Twitch and provided a list of the channels that participate in a team as well.

You can find teams for a streamer just below their description on their streamer page:

Teams on csharpfritz's page

Teams can be searched for and will be presented using the same autocomplete and tab locations on the search results page as categories:

Teams on search results page

Finally, you can also filter your clip search results by the members of a team. Consider this scenario:

  • Show me all clips from May 2022
  • For a charity that is named in the title of all clips
  • Within the Live Coders stream team

That's pretty powerful to help limit and report back about that charity and present some highlights from stream for them.


This is just another step in the evolution of clip discovery and content on KlipTok. We've got a lot more features planned, including our first monetized features. If you have a suggestion or want to report a bug, head over to the feedback site and let use know about it. There's some great suggestions there that you will see built and added to the application.

Thank you for participating with KlipTok, and we're looking forward to more great klips!

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